Our Mission & Vision

At Discovery, we focus on loving God and loving people.
We believe in creating spaces and opportunities where people can have
transforming encounters with Jesus, discover their God-given gifts,
and be equipped to use them for Him.  
Join us for our Sunday service!

The Message

The message of Discovery is the same that Jesus taught those who first encountered him:  "The appointed time has been fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is here. Repent, and have faith in the good news." Mark 1:15

The Methods

The methods for growing the family of Jesus may change over time but we believe it all starts with relationships. We look to create a community of authentic believers who are transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, who will then shape their environments with that good news.

"The Church That I See"

Vision statement issued by founding pastor - Andy Hostetler

Our Influence

  • I believe God led us to this site in 2005 for a specific purpose, and I see Discovery Church reaching multitudes of people.
  • I see our 25.5 acres developed with buildings and outdoor spaces - each of them filled with people who are being transformed!  They are learning academically, developing vocationally and growing spiritually.
  • Discovery will be a key component of Cibolo’s community and will have great influence in the city and regional government.

Our Passion

  • I see Discovery with a strong discipleship emphasis. People are accepting Christ, finding healing, finding their purpose and walking it out together.
  • I see Discovery being consistenly innovative and relavant in how we minister to people.
  • I see Discovery raising up influential leaders in the community, in business, as well as in the church.
  • I see Discovery with a dynamic worship ministry that will have a global impact!  Discovery will be a portal for God's presence, allowing people to connect with Him personally.

Our Future

  • The children’s ministry at Discovery will be vibrant. We will minister to children, teens and their families in such a way that the children will keep their faith into adulthood and pass on a legacy of faith. They will be equipped and empowered to hear the voice of God, walk in His Spirit and lead at young ages.

Our Impact

  • I see Discovery as a place where men are equipped to lead their families and community with their God-given authority. It is a place where women are equipped and released to fulfill their calling as they discover their purpose and gifts.
  • Discovery is a church that seeks to fulfill our unique identity and walk in obedience to his mission for us. Discovery is always communicating the Good News of Christ and always inviting people to know God more intimately as they are loved, transformed and equipped.